The Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) advises the Federal Government on which medicines to subsidise on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS).

An important part of the reimbursement process involves the Government and the PBAC hearing from doctors, researchers, patients, their families and other medical and patient groups to incorporate everyone’s perspective into the decision to cover, or include a particular type of treatment, or not.

When a submission is made to the PBAC, there is a window of time for public comments to be sent to the PBAC for review. The submissions from the public are not published nor are the names of any individuals revealed.

The PBAC are required to review every submission that is sent before the deadline.


Using the consumer input form on the website allows you to nominate only one treatment at a time. If you’d like to comment on both gepants you can email your comments to the PBAC email listed below using the questions in the guide below for your response.

It is important to note that each gepant has a different indication: Atogepant is for the prevention of migraine while Rimegepant is indicated for the treatment of an acute migraine attack in their PBS application. We do not recommend duplicating your submission for each treatment.

Many people may find it easier to make their comments about both options and emailing their submission to: commentsPBAC@health.gov.au


Below are the form questions and response suggestions.

Click here to begin the form >>

Medicine Name:  ATOGEPANT or RIMEGEPANT (select from the drop-down menu). 
Submitted by: Individual (select from the drop-down menu). 
Email: Your email
Phone number: Your phone
Street address: Your address
Suburb: Your suburb
State: Your state
Postcode: Your postcode

Declaration of interest:

Please include any declarations you wish to make regarding your PBAC submission. If you have no declarations to make, please respond “nil”.

Consumer input:

Please indicate whether you are a person with this medical condition, a friend or family member, a prescriber, a representative of an organisation or other interested person.

What comments would you like the PBAC to take into account when it considers this submission?

This is where you post your personal experience.

Consider highlighting:

  • How does migraine limit your activities, your work, or other responsibilities or commitments?
  • What would it mean to you to find an effective treatment that works as an acute and preventive treatment for migraine? 
  • How important is the benefit that gepants do not cause medication overuse headache like many other acute migraine and pain medications. How does the removal of this risk reduce anxiety, fear and stress about the impact of the medications you are taking for migraine. 
  • The advantage gepants may have over triptans when it comes to cardiovascular risk factors or when you are not able to take triptans because of cardiovascular concerns.
  • How satisfied are you with your current treatment?
  • What symptoms or side effects can’t be controlled with your current treatment?
  • If you haven’t used the new medicine yet, what would you like most from it?
  • If you currently have access to the treatment, what will happen to you, your family and/or work if it does not get covered by the PBS?

Note that this is not a “test” and all submissions will be reviewed by the committee and are appreciated for their personal and private nature. Be honest, direct, polite and respectful.

How did you learn about this submission process?

Migraine & Headache Australia monitored the submission process and notified the community about this comment period.


Submit using the form on the government website or email your response to CommentsPBAC@health.gov.au

What happens next?

At the time of writing May 2023, both gepants are still awaiting TGA approval. If they are successfully recommended by the PBAC in their July meeting. Then it is likely still to be several months of negotiations between the manufacturers individually and the government to align on pricing. Public information is not available on the progress of this process and the timeframes for listing after PBAC approvals can vary from months to over a year. 

Migraine & Headache Australia is hopeful that we may see one or more gepants listed on the PBS in 2023 or shortly into 2024 if it is recommended at the July PBAC review.  

We will post all updates on the New Treatments Update page following the July meeting.

About our advocacy

We have invited the community to join us in making submissions to the PBAC several times in the past few years. One included over 1,900 submissions which helped inform the policy makers about the reality of living with frequent and debilitating migraine. We are happy to report that the combined effort of Migraine & Headache Australia and our community has played a critical role in the approval and PBS listing of multiple treatments.

People living with migraine deserve an affordable price and fair access to proven and safe treatments for migraine. Today, more than ever, we know that public health and wellbeing is a responsibility for all of us, including our political leaders. It is a responsibility we all share. Together we can reduce suffering, increase support and the livelihoods of the millions of Australians with chronic migraine.

Migraine & Headache Australia will continue to work with both sides of government to represent the Australians living with migraine and other headache disorders.

Related articles

If you would like to learn more about migraine treatments & new medications, you can check out the following resources:

Headache AustralianMigraine & Headache Australia is the only organization in Australia that aims to support the more than 5 million Australians affected by headache and migraine.