2019: Research funding opportunities

2019: Research funding opportunities

2019 Migraine Research Foundation Impact Awards

Call for Letters of Interest for Two Projects

1. Research on Childhood Migraine and/or
2. Research on New Therapeutic Targets for Migraine

The Migraine Research Foundation, a US nonprofit that raises money to fund innovative migraine research, invites both US and international researchers to submit Letters of Interest for one or both of the two 2019 topics:

Topic 1: Submit a letter of interest for a project that will add to the understanding or improve the treatment of Childhood Migraine.
Topic 2: Submit a letter of interest for a project that will add to the understanding of the Therapeutic Potential of a New Treatment Target for Migraine (other than CGRP).

Selected applicants will be invited to submit a full proposal later this year. The Migraine Research Foundation will continue to issue an open RFP for seed-money grants (up to $50,000) in the spring.
Deadline: April 8, 2019
Funding: Each Award has a maximum budget of $200,000 for a period not to exceed 3 years
Content: The LOI must include:

  • a description of the proposed project, including aims and methodology
  • how the proposed project will impact the understanding or treatment of childhood migraine (Project 1), or how the proposed project will add to the understanding of the therapeutic potential of a new treatment target for migraine (other than CGRP) (Project 2)
  • why the proposed project is innovative
  • the names of investigators, institution, and contact information

Length: 2 pages maximum
Evaluation Criteria: innovation, scientific merit, feasibility
Submission: By email only: 2019ImpactAward@MigraineResearchFoundation.org
For further information: email Sam Yates at syates@MigraineResearchFoundation.org
or call (USA) 212-249-5402.


Headache AustralianMigraine & Headache Australia is the only organization in Australia that aims to support the more than 5 million Australians affected by headache and migraine.