Headache Types

Headache Types

Trauma / Injury Headache

Medically reviewed by Dr. Emma Foster, 17 May 2021

Headache caused by a traumatic injury to the head (e.g., headstrike, whiplash, or after a surgical craniotomy), ranging from mild trauma that causes dizziness and nausea, to trauma causing a coma. This headache does not have any defining characteristics; rather, it is classified as a trauma headache if it develops within 7 days after the injury, after regaining consciousness, or after going off pain medication that may have prevented headache symptoms in the person. If the headache lasts more than 3 months it is classed as a persistent trauma headache, rather than an acute trauma headache.


Further Information

Headache is one of the most common symptoms following a head injury. However, it is important to differentiate between a general post-traumatic headache, and concussion symptoms. The following resources include more information about concussion and head trauma.

Webinar: Concussion, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Post Traumatic Headache – from Migraine & Headache Awareness Week 2019

Concussion Fact Sheet from Winter 2021 Brainwaves Newsletter [pdf]

Concussion – Brain Foundation

Headache AustralianMigraine & Headache Australia is the only organization in Australia that aims to support the more than 5 million Australians affected by headache and migraine.