Migraine & Headache Australia’s mission is to:
- Fund research into migraine and headache related disorders and disease
- Provide reliable and trustworthy information for patients and their families
- Advocate and support the patient community
Read more about where your money goes & our advocacy
The objectives of Migraine & Headache Australia are to:
- Raise public and government awareness of headache disorders, their prevalence, and impact; and awareness of the Brain Foundation, through Migraine & Headache Australia, as the only public organisation who has represented those affected by headache disorders for over 20 years.
- Build the National Headache Register to keep registrants informed about new research, treatments, and clinical trials available.
- Develop education programs for health care providers at all levels.
- Develop public education and support programs aimed at those affected by headache (including a specific program for children).
- Partner with other agencies to deliver programs and services.
- Promote and encourage headache & migraine research.
- Undertake advocacy on behalf of those affected by migraine & headache disorders, to gain the support of government.
- Raise funds to support the programs emanating from these objectives and so benefit those affected by migraine & headache disorders.
The Brain Foundation currently receives no government funding for its research program, which is funded by our generous individual and corporate donors. However, we have other work which supports our research grants and the migraine and headache community, including:
- Handbooks, fact sheets and other information materials.
- Development of headacheaustralia.org.au website.
- Migraine & Headache Awareness Week.
- Media campaign to raise awareness of headache and migraine and the dangers of long-term self-medication.
- Development of education programs and resources for health practitioners
- Research projects to ascertain working days lost due to headache and most frequently used medication for acute treatment.
We have received a government grant for educational services & public awareness campaigns, to be funded between 2021 – 2023. This will make a significant difference to the impact we can have for the migraine and headache community. We are proud to be recognised by the government as a representative of people living with these disorders, and look forward to sharing this work with you.
All Information Materials are Endorsed by Leading Neurologists.
Headache is a major public health and social issue. There is an urgent need to expand the headache and migraine services of the Brain Foundation. Government, corporate and individual support is needed to achieve this.