2017 Migraine World Summit

Migraine is the third most prevalent illness in the world. US studies have revealed that nearly one-in-four households include someone with migraine. In Australia, there are more than three million people with migraine. Yet there is less than one headache specialist for every 85,000 migraine patients, and four out of five people with Chronic Migraine are misdiagnosed or mistreated. The Migraine World Summit, scheduled for April 23-29, brings together over 30 top experts and advocates to provide answers and treatment advice on migraine to anyone around the world with an Internet connection. Presently, there is no cure.


Organisers of the Summit are two former chronic migraine sufferers – Carl Cincinnato from Sydney, Australia, and Paula K. Dumas from Atlanta, Georgia. They are working to reduce the global burden of migraine by bringing the top specialists in the world together for people around the world.


“Despite the prevalence of migraine, it remains under-diagnosed and under-treated, with less than 50% of patients consulting a physician. For those who do seek help, finding the right doctor can be difficult. Moreover, specialists require referrals, patients may incur significant costs and there can be waiting lists,” said Cincinnato. “The Migraine World Summit provides unprecedented access to dozens of experts for those suffering from this debilitating disorder to be informed about the latest best practices and approaches. Altogether, it’s like having the opportunity to sit down with the best doctor in the world.”


“Migraines can be devastating to someone’s quality of life. Migraine attacks can affect not only their physical wellbeing, but their relationships, family life and, in severe cases, their ability to keep a job and have a thriving career,” said Dumas. “There is still a stigma associated with migraine. Many people feel guilty or ashamed to admit they have a migraine, but it’s not their fault. Migraine is a genetic neurological disease which can also lead to depression and anxiety, as many struggle with the isolation or lack of progress and lose hope. The Summit will hopefully allow sufferers to find relief as well as demonstrate they aren’t alone.”



Among the questions the Summit will answer are:

  • What are the best treatments for migraine?
  • What can I do when I’ve already tried everything?
  • What are the secrets to finding effective natural alternatives?
  • How can I cope with the anxiety and discrimination from chronic migraine?
  • What new treatments are coming that I should be aware of?
  • What are the most common challenges and myths that people face?


Keynote topics and presenters include:

  • Migraine Genetics: Unlocking a Cure for Migraine – Professor Lyn Griffiths, Queensland UT, Australia
  • Shifting Cultural Perceptions About Migraine – Joanna Kempner, PhD
  • Top Ten Migraine Myths to Bust – Peter Goadsby, MD, Kings College, London Best and Worst Places to Live with Migraine, Bert Sperling, author
  • Neuromodulation: New Devices That Can Ease Pain, Brian Grosberg, MD, University of Connecticut Managing Hormonal Migraines Through
  • Menopause – Susan Hutchinson, MD When Medications Actually Trigger Pain – Larry Charleston IV, MD, University of Michigan, USA Weather Related
  • Migraine – Michael Steinberg Solving The Puzzle Of What’s Causing Migraines – Patricia Pozo Rosich, MD, Vall D’Hebron, Spain Migraine Statistics and
  • Costs – Lars Jacob Stovner, MD, Norwegian National Headache Centre
  • Research Pipeline: New Migraine Therapies in Development, Deborah Friedman, MD, UT Southwestern
  • Expert Q&A : LIVE! Andrew Charles, MD UCLA, Goldberg Migraine Programe, Professor Paul Martin, PhD Griffith University, Francois Cadiou, Healint/Migraine Buddy


Participation in the online Migraine World Summit is free online from April 23 – 29, and available by subscription or previews thereafter. For more information please visit:


Headache AustralianMigraine & Headache Australia is the only organization in Australia that aims to support the more than 5 million Australians affected by headache and migraine.