
Many diseases related to blood vessels in the brain can cause headache, including stroke. There are two main types of stroke – ischaemic and haemorrhagic strokes.  Both types involve some kind of disruption to blood flow in the brain, and result in permanent tissue damage....

A frequently-recurring headache type that often happens at the same time at night while people are sleeping (leading them to also being called ‘alarm clock headaches’). This headache pain then wakes people up, and can last from 15 minutes up to four hours after waking....

Nummular headache is felt exclusively in one area of the scalp with the pain covering an area that is coin-shaped and sized. This led them to being called ‘nummular’ headache, as nummular means ‘resembling a coin’. They are fixed in size and shape and can...

Stabbing headache refers to localised stabs of pain in the head that only last for a few seconds and recur irregularly from one to many stabs per day. This diagnosis is made in the absence of other cranial diseases....

Cold-stimulus headache occurs when the head is either exposed to very cold temperatures, or when something cold is ingested. An external cold stimulus headache may occur when diving into very cold water for example. It generally causes an intense, stabbing headache located in the middle...

A headache brought on by sexual activity, starting out with dull pain and increasing with increased sexual excitement. It will abruptly intensify at orgasm, and can last from a minute up to 24 hours at this peak intensity, but could linger at a mild intensity...

There are two types of short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks. They are differentiated by the specific symptoms they cause. Short-lasting unilateral neuralgiform headache attacks with conjunctival injection and tearing (SUNCT) SUNCT attacks cause moderate to severe pain in one side of the head, in the area around...

Paroxysmal hemicrania causes sudden attacks of severe pain on one side of the head, affecting the area around or above the eye, or over the temple. It is generally associated with redness or tearing of the eyes, a drooping or swollen eyelid, stuffy nose (nasal...

This migraine syndrome causes recurrent attacks of intense nausea and vomiting, lasting anywhere between 1 hour and 10 days. These attacks often occur about one week apart with no symptoms between attacks and can be associated with paleness and lethargy as well. Generally, this form...

This migraine syndrome causes moderate to severe abdominal pain and can be either centralised around the stomach or spread across the entire abdomen. It can cause nausea, vomiting, pallor, and lack of appetite, and lasts 2-72 hours. It generally occurs in children and is not...

Headache AustralianMigraine & Headache Australia is the only organization in Australia that aims to support the more than 5 million Australians affected by headache and migraine.